Springtime of Faith: Scripture Course with Fr. Kieran O’Mahony OSA
Wednesdays Feb 22, Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
2.00 – 4.30pm
An in-depth analysis of the Lenten Sunday readings for all who want to enrich their Lenten journey through a critical reading of the Scriptures.
Based on Praying and Exploring the Readings for Lent to Pentecost Year A this is an opportunity to hear a Scripture scholar at the top of his game and experience the riches of the Word in a new way.
£40 for 6 sessions
A Journey of Love
Lenten Sunday Retreats
Sundays Feb 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26
13.00 Light lunch
14.00 Retreat
18.00 Mass at St Patrick’s
Five Sundays to get beyond the guilt and into the love. Opening with a brief input to start you off, there’s time to be quiet, to seek spiritual guidance, to write, to pray.
We end with the 6pm Candlelight Sunday Mass at St Patrick’s.
Offering optional Register at belfastjesuitcentre@gmail.com
Love like this
Holy Week (Online) Movie Club with Fr. Jake Martin SJ
7pm Mon 3rd April
7pm Tue 4th April
7pm Wed 5th April
(Movie choice to be announced closer to Holy Week)
Well-chosen films and informed discussion awake the kind of reflection that is the very heart of Holy Week.
View the films in your own time and join an online discussion to tease out the message behind the movie.
Email belfastjesuitcentre@gmail.com to register, receive the zoom link and discover he movie choice.
Offering optional
Register at belfastjesuitcentre@gmail.com
No Greater Love
Holy Week Retreat at Drumalis
Begins with registration at 5pm Holy Thursday and ends after morning Mass and breakfast on Easter Sunday.
A joint venture combining the inspiration, personnel and resources of Drumalis Retreat Centre and the Belfast Jesuit Centre staff, volunteers and friends.
Residential and non-residential options available Visit www.drumalis.co.uk